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Why is sport important?

Sport, therefore, not only adds years to life, but improves its quality to 360, thanks to the obvious benefits it has on the mind. Regular sports prevent the symptoms of anxiety and stress and helps to relax muscle tension, favoring sleep, one of the greatest allies of good mood.

Helps strengthen bones, muscles and joints. Increases muscle strength and endurance. Allows you to control body weight. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases (vascular diseases, certain types of cancer, diabetes mellitus type 2)

Why is sport important for teenangers?

Teenagers who practice sports are safer. Sports practice improves self-esteem. In addition to this, the movement serves to control emotions and combat stress; children can relieve the tensions, anxiety and fatigue arising from school and study.

How does sport affect society?

Sport teaches to increase social relations, integration, inclusion, intellectual control; its rules to develop friendship, where sacred is respect and trust, confrontation with the opponent as a push to express their potential, team spirit for a common purpose, loyalty in knowing how to lose ...

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